Articles written by Dr. Sazawal on Nuclear Energy are catalogued under following groupings:
1. Completing the U.S.- India Nuclear Deal
a. Behind the Deal: An account of the journey in the murky world of Track-II diplomacy that went into the clinching of the US-India Civil Nuclear Deal on July 20, 2007 in Washington — two years and two days after the initial breakthrough in the same city – Published: 22 August 2007
b. A Secondary Role for U.S in India’s Nuclear Future: Washington Post Story Featuring the Author – Published: 2 September 2008
c. As Difficult as 123: Article in the India Abroad Weekly, New York – Published: 12 September 2007
d. The White House signing of the US-India nuclear bill passed by the U.S. Congress – Published: 8 October 2008
2. Membership to the Civil Nuclear Trade Advisory Committee (CINTAC) Constituted by the U.S. Government
a. Appointment to the National Nuclear Export Advocacy Committee by Honorable Gary Locke, Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce, United States Government – Published: 3 January 2011
Reports of the announcement in the Indian media:
Indian-American appointed to US n-trade committee – Economic Times
Indian-American Vijay Sazawal appointed to US nuclear trade advisory panel – DNA
Indian American appointed to US N-trade committee – India News
3. Promoting the U.S. India Civil Nuclear Commerce in the U.S.
a. An article in the India Abroad weekly describing U.S. and Indian official positions on the Indian nuclear liability law, along with author’s personal observations – Published: 5 August 2011
c. A presentation by the author on prospects for the U.S. – India civil nuclear commerce to an expert group of nuclear export specialists in Washington, DC – Published: 28 March 2012
Presentation on the U.S. – India Civil Nuclear Commerce
d. A presentation by the author on prospects for the U.S. – India civil nuclear commerce to an expert group of nuclear export specialists in Washington, DC – Published: 21 March 2013
Interview with the Press Trust of India (PTI)
e. A presentation by the author on Challenges in Implementing the U.S. – India Civil Nuclear Agreement to an expert group of U.S. Government officials and industry legal and commercial representatives specializing in nuclear export controls in Washington, DC – Published: 11 February 2014
For viewing the SAIS announcement regarding the seminar, please click here
For viewing the author’s presentation, please click here
For viewing the agenda of the meeting, please click here
For viewing Author’s presentation on 6 June, 2017, please click here
For viewing Author’s presentation on 7 June, 2017, please click here
For viewing the agenda of the meeting, please click here
For viewing Author’s presentation, please click here
4. Promoting the U.S. India Civil Nuclear Commerce in India
b. The author prepared a document at the request of foreign policy advisors to the BJP led Government in New Delhi regarding the status of the Indo-U.S. nuclear deal. Specifically, the inquiry was made whether it will be possible for the U.S. nuclear supplier, Westinghouse, and the Indian nuclear utility, NPCIL, to sign a commercial contract for sale of American nuclear reactors to India either prior to or during Prime Minister’s visit to Washington DC on 7-8 June 2016 – Submitted: 18 April 2016
English Version:
Hindi Version:
c. The author is invited to give a lecture on nuclear supply chain development in India as the country ramps up its domestic plans to build ten new indigenously designed reactors creating $11 billion (USD) market for goods and services from private sector. These projects have been cleared the Union cabinet and form the nucleus of the “Make in India” program in engineering and construction. The conference was organized by the Asia Nuclear Business Platform based in Singapore. The author serves on its Advisory Committee – Submitted: 9 October 2018
Lecture on Nuclear Supply Chain in Mumbai
d. The author was invited to give two lectures on nuclear supply chain development in India at a conference in Mumbai, India, called the India Nuclear Business Platform 2019 (INBP 2019), which was organized by the Asia Nuclear Business Platform (ANBP) based in Singapore. The author serves on its Advisory Committee.
Lecture on Localization and Qualification of Suppliers – 13 November 2019
Lecture No.2 on Challenges Faced by Foreign Suppliers – 14 November 2019
e. The author was invited to moderate a technical session on, “Business opportunities for suppliers: How can industry contribute to the localization of LWR projects in India,” at the 4-day Webinar, “Accessing and Accessing the India Nuclear Market,” hosted by the India Nuclear Business Platform 2021 (INBP 2021) on 5-8 April 2021
To view the agenda for the 4-day Webinar, please click here
To view author’s presentation, please click here
5. Growth of Global Civil Nuclear Commerce
a. Presentation at the National Institute of Technology (NIT), Srinagar: Advances in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle – Published 4 December 2009
b. A presentation by the author on Challenges in Promoting U.S. Civil Nuclear Reactor Exports at the Laboratory for Nuclear Security and Policy, Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Boston. The paper also includes a section on India – Published: 23 April 2014
Feedback from the Chairman of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
c. Navigating the Global Nuclear Export Controls Regime and Maximizing New Business Opportunities in India, Asia, and the U.A.E. – Published: 30 November 2010
d. Presentation on Nuclear Plant Operations 101 – Published: 1 December 2010
For viewing the APFC announcement regarding the seminar, please click here
6. Personal Civil Nuclear Advocacy
a. An exchange with Dr. Baldev Raj, Director of the Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Reasearch (IGCAR) while donating a historical document on termination of the U.S. breeder reactor program to the IGCAR Library – Published: 12 January 2009
b. Presentation at the University of Kashmir: Progress in Global Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament – Published 3 December 2009
Dr. Vijay Sazawal
Dr. Vijay Sazawal is a specialist in nuclear fuel cycle technologies with over four decades of professional experience in advanced energy programs. He served for three successive two-year terms as a member of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Civil Nuclear Trade Advisory Committee (CINTAC), an advisory position dealing with the global civil nuclear commerce, to which he was appointed by the U.S. Government. He retired from full-time service in 2016.