“The only alternative to co-existence is co-destruction.” – Jawaharlal Nehru

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15 + 3 =

Shalimar in Autumn

Suru Kargil

Nagin Lake



Pandrethan Temple

Pandrethan, 5 kilometers south east of Srinagar, represents the site of the ancient capital, Srinagari, founded by the great Maurya emperor Ashok (304 B.C. – 232 B.C., came to the throne in 273 B.C.). With the shifting of the capital to the adjoining site of the present Srinagar, the ancient Srinagari came to be known as “Puranadhishthana”, which literally means the “old capital.” The Shiv Mandir was built by King Partra in 921 A.D. and represents a combination of the indo-Grecian architecture.